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Posts by Adam Landis

  • Firebase AB Testing your app: tips from a pro

    App developers run Firebase AB tests with the aim to increase retention, engagement and user-LTVs by making tweaks from design, to mechanics, to app-economy.

    But apps are complex, there are millions of possible iterations, where do you start?

    We sit down with Alex McArdle, a data scientist at Random Logic Games to get his take on how he starts, maintains and runs Firebase AB tests.

  • What do data scientists do at mobile app companies?

    Data science is becoming an increasingly important part of a mobile app’s growth. But what exactly does a Data Scientist do at a mobile app company? How do they do to help mobile apps grow?

    We sit down with Data Scientist Andre Cohen who’s led data strategy for years for some of the most advanced mobile applications in the world to ask his take and experience.