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Posts by Adam Landis

    • August 20, 2021
    • News

    Congratulations to AdLibertas Employee: Chidi Nnaji!

    AdLibertas employee Chidi Nnaji recently celebrated his marriage to Amy Verhey in the San Francisco Bay Area.

    Read the story on how Chidi, a native Nigerian met his Bay-Area native wife in today’s The New York Times article.

  • The Fundamentals of App Growth

    Growth is a universal goal for app developers – but how do you get started?

    At first, this may seem a daunting task: this article aims to give app developers some tips from the iterations we’ve seen from our customers.

  • Using in-app events to predict user-behavior and value.

    Being able to predict user-behavior of users in your app will help you predict churn, increase user LTV, and increase effectiveness of user acquisition.
    We’ve put together a four-step guide to finding, measuring and refining your app’s events with the hopes you too can start to quantify – and predict –user behavior.

  • How do you start buying users for apps?

    Mobile apps have been around for over a decade but there are a vast number of app developers – some brand new, others with millions of organic users –have the same question: how do I buy users (profitably) for my app?

    This article expands on each of these steps to give app developers a playbook on where to get started.