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Posts by Adam Landis

  • Innovations in mobile data we’re most excited about for 2022

    When it comes to how mobile companies are planning how to best utilize data for growth in 2022, we’ve seen some trends and applications that we’re excited to see gain traction.

    From company staffing, to the application of machine-learning, the underlying theme of data utilization has become table stakes for proactive growth strategies and we’ve shared some of our favorite trends for 2022.

  • How 2022 data strategies differ between large, medium, and small app publishers

    2021 was a year of change for app developers. The role of data, specifically, has been a lynchpin in the cause and effect of many of these changes.

    It occurred to me the other day a mobile app company’s size and —more importantly—sophistication made for a trifurcation of strategies and aspirations in the coming year. I’ve outlined them in a post in what I hope provides an insightful view of how your company can use data for a clear advantage in the coming year.

  • How to calculate the LTV of a user on their first day

    Applying data science to your app may feel ethereal and out of reach for a small indie app publisher. But this isn’t the case. In fact, it’s easier than ever to leverage data to make intelligent decisions to help with your app growth and performance.

    We cover how any app developer can quickly and easily predict the lifetime value (pLTV) of a user on their app on the first day without needing to invest in data scientist or hire a full blown data team.

    • November 23, 2021
    • News

    The MoPub Transition: Updates & Recommendations for MoPub Publishers

    Applovin has announced a due-date date for MoPub’s sunset and while Applovin hinted at an aggressive timeline early on, many guessed the transition would happen slowly over 2022. They were wrong. As of today, the entirety of MoPub will be shut down at the end of Q1: March 31st, 2022.

    This article walks through thoughts and recommendations on making the switch.