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CPM Swell: Black Friday & Cyber Monday

CPM Swell: Black Friday & Cyber Monday

by | Nov 27, 2017 | Infographic

Shortly after our last blogpost— which showed modest Q4 growth — holiday spending took off.

In the short week we’ve seen swells of spending across almost all forms of spending, Amazon being a huge boon for publisher revenue.

Banner revenue shot up and sustained CPMs through Sunday 11/27 for Cyber Monday buys. The former peaks were dwarfed by a 40%+ swell in CPMs through the holiday weekend.

Full screen CPMs saw very similar growth — with a bit more fluctuation but similar peaks for the weekend leading up to the biggest online shopping day of the year.

While we foresee this revenue to fall in early December, we do expect revenue to largely stay above 90 day averages for the remainder of the year.