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Market Update: Ad Network Performance (YTD)

Market Update: Ad Network Performance (YTD)

Apr 21, 2020 | Infographic, News



In our previous recent articles we covered macro trends for in-app advertising as well as supplying pointers to app developers during uncertain times. Today we will cover specific ad network performance year-to-date as it relates to ad-types in the efforts to help app developers both see how they compare against the industry averages, as well as make proper choices for the future.

Banners: 2020 YTD

Banner CPM Analysis (by week)

  • 2019 started out with typical CPM drops, ran flat then saw a +25% surge in the last 2 weeks of the quarter.
  • 2020 started softer (-25% off the CPM indexed average), and while looking to make a recovery for end of the quarter they leveled off in early March.
  • On the day of the Dow Index dropped 3,000 points (March 16th, 2020) banner CPM rates in dropped off a cliff.
  • Rates have continued to fall through the beginning of Q2, touching -25% off the indexed average.

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Network Banner Performance:

  • The stand-out network is Amazon whose already high average rates jumped as demand for their services surged. They’ve maintained this premium to-date.
  • Compared to Amazon the other network performance may look flat, but keep in mind 60% of banner revenue is concentrated between MoPub & Admob.
  • Both of the banner giants were adversely affected, Admob is off March highs by -35%, MoPub’s CPMs are down -38%.


Banner Summary: banner CPM performance is down ~30% globally.

Full Screen: 2020 YTD

Full Screen & Reward Video CPM Analysis (by week)

  • Historically full screen inventory — dominated by performance buyers– sees less quarter-end peaks than the more brand-heavy banner inventory.
  • 2019 & 2020 saw similar growth trajectories, until the date of the March 16th
  • Post 3/16/20 the market saw an immediate performance drop below ~25% of the indexed average
  • These lowered rates have maintained to-date.

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Full Screen Network Analysis

  • ironSource made major gains in Q1, taking over top Full Screen revenue share in total revenue away from Facebook.
  • Also ironSource was the only full screen network that consistently increased CPMs (and revenue contribution) through Q1, increasing rates 30% during the month of March.
  • Meanwhile the downward trend on Facebook & Admob was somewhat more painful, down 40% from year-to-date highs. Since these two networks combined command 40% of total revenue earned, this is sure to hurt publishers after quarantine traffic levels return to normal.

Full screen summary: while increased usage is keeping the full screen market somewhat flat the CPMs are down drastically and when usage patterns fall the full screen performance will be sure to suffer.