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Data Bytes: Mobile App Quips, Questions and Findings

We talk to mobile app developers every day. They share challenges, findings, frustrations and questions in their efforts to drive a successful growing business.

They teach us a lot and we hope sharing some of our recent memorable quotes– sometimes anonymous– will bring you enjoyment, and learnings in growing your own business.

Hover over each image to read more.


– Product –

Give away a paid feature…increase revenue?

Does changing the opt-in workflow for GDPR matter?


Sometimes making something free will make you more.

Geoff Hladik of VisualBlasters noticed there was a large drop-off of users trying to access a paid function. After administering an AB test to remove the paywall and enable the feature to users after interacting with a reward video video he saw users increased app retention, engagement and drove higher LTV.

Making the paid feature free, actually helped revenue.

Sometimes making something free will make you more.

Geoff Hladik of VisualBlasters noticed there was a large drop-off of users trying to access a paid function. After administering an AB test to remove the paywall and enable the feature to users after interacting with a reward video video he saw users increased app retention, engagement and drove higher LTV.

Making the paid feature free, actually helped revenue.

– User Acquisition –

Ask an Advertiser:

Why can’t I drive positive ROAS?

Ask an App Developer:

Why can’t I drive positive ROAS?

Sometimes making something free will make you more.

Geoff Hladik of VisualBlasters noticed there was a large drop-off of users trying to access a paid function. After administering an AB test to remove the paywall and enable the feature to users after interacting with a reward video video he saw users increased app retention, engagement and drove higher LTV.

Making the paid feature free, actually helped revenue.

Sometimes making something free will make you more.

Geoff Hladik of VisualBlasters noticed there was a large drop-off of users trying to access a paid function. After administering an AB test to remove the paywall and enable the feature to users after interacting with a reward video video he saw users increased app retention, engagement and drove higher LTV.

Making the paid feature free, actually helped revenue.

– iOS 14.5 –

How’s the 14.5 adoption going?

Heard about the new Apple ad format?

Sometimes making something free will make you more.

Geoff Hladik of VisualBlasters noticed there was a large drop-off of users trying to access a paid function. After administering an AB test to remove the paywall and enable the feature to users after interacting with a reward video video he saw users increased app retention, engagement and drove higher LTV.

Making the paid feature free, actually helped revenue.

Sometimes making something free will make you more.

Geoff Hladik of VisualBlasters noticed there was a large drop-off of users trying to access a paid function. After administering an AB test to remove the paywall and enable the feature to users after interacting with a reward video video he saw users increased app retention, engagement and drove higher LTV.

Making the paid feature free, actually helped revenue.