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Case Study: Social App Tapatalk increases mobile ad revenue by 75%

Case Study: Social App Tapatalk increases mobile ad revenue by 75%

Oct 11, 2019 | Case Study, News

Outsourced optimization brings Tapatalk huge earning increases within a week.


Tapatalk is the leading social app for aggregation of internet forum discussions, they are used by hundreds of thousands of communities worldwide.

Leveraging a growing mobile user-base Tapatalk’s COO Eric Sternbach was searching for the best solution for ad monetization. They opted for MoPub’s mediation platform.

The Problem

Tapatalk has a lot of users and a lot of mobile traffic to monetize. Choosing the right demand partners, optimizing the buys, and keeping tabs on performance quickly became a challenge. The overhead of daily management seemed like a monumental burden.

Tapatalk was introduced to AdLibertas:

“We were going to build & manage in-house but when we heard AdLibertas would automate reporting & optimization only charging a percentage of gained revenue, starting a trial was a no-brainer.”

Eric Sternbach


The Solution

Tapatalk uses AdLibertas for automated reporting & optimization.

The Results

Having quickly integrated reporting credentials, Tapatalk saw immediate returns. Within seven days AdLibertas sustainabley increased mobile ad revenue by over 75%!

“Set-up was easy and reporting is great but the performance gains from their algorithms were remarkable! !”

Eric Sternbach

actual ad earnings from AdLibertas managed revenue (green) versus legacy (blue).

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