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Case Study: Moving fast – Magmic uses automation to drive speed and profit

Case Study: Moving fast – Magmic uses automation to drive speed and profit

Jun 21, 2019 | Best Practices, Case Study, News

Magmic uses automation to stay ahead of the mobile ad market


Magmic has been making mobile games for 15 years. For context, when the App Store first launched Magmic had already been making mobile games for six years.
Over the years they’ve grown and now function as a developer, publisher and content retailer building propriety and licensed properties for all ages. Their collaborations include a dizzying array of household names including New York Times, Hasbro, and Mattel.
Magmic relies on MoPub to mediate their in-app advertising; they use a constantly changing mix of advertisers to retain maximum competition.

“We find it important to experiment with new networks often. The market changes fast so we need to be constantly iterating to find the best partners.”

Valerie Husky

leads monetization & growth for Magmic

The Problem

As anyone working in mobile can attest, many ad partners can bring many problems. Integration is complicated, set-ups are time-consuming, and reporting issues and serving discrepancies constantly emerge. Magmic has found that iteration requires continual monitoring.

“Bringing on a new network, prepping for new app launches, and monitoring for problems can take hours every single day.”

Tyler Menard

Magmic Ad Operations

The Solution

Magmic relies on AdLibertas to automate reporting & advertising optimization of MoPub.

The Result

Having fully integrated with AdLibertas means Magmic can rely on:


Consolidated Reporting

Automated collection & attribution of reporting creating a comprehensive, single-source of truth of ad earnings.



Automated Optimization

Sophisticated methods of automatic optimization constantly finding and promoting the top-earning strategies.


Automatic hands-off automation of reporting and optimization allows Magmic to focus on building great apps and growing the user-base:

“What would take hours now comes delivered in a daily email!”


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