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Case Study: DI.FM: Effectively managing multi-channel media monetization

Case Study: DI.FM: Effectively managing multi-channel media monetization

Aug 21, 2019 | Best Practices, Case Study, News


One of the first online radio networks to go live in 1999, DI.FM has grown into a destination and lifestyle for over a million unique listeners who tune in every month. DI.FM is a multi-channel internet radio service that focuses exclusively on Electronic Music. Their team of curators sifts through petabytes of new releases and back catalogs and have created an intensely loyal user-base across a wide-variety of mediums: web, mobile web, mobile app, and more recently dedicated hardware and software integrations such as Sonos and Roku.

Like many audio providers DI.FM relies on a variety of monetization methods, subscription, web, mobile-app and in-stream audio ads. Mobile app makes up a significant portion of their usage, DI uses MoPub to monetize their mobile app inventory.

The Problem

Despite hosting millions of loyal users and the wide variety of supported platforms, DI.FM maintains a lean team with limited resources responsible for web, audio and mobile ad inventory. Spreading focus time and attention across these diverse platforms brings three specific challenges when maximizing earnings from mobile advertising:

Platform & Tool Drift

Ad tech has no silver bullet, let alone one that works cohesively across different channels. Different platforms efficiently leverage each medium. Each platform has its own complexity and idiosyncrasies. To maximize yield you need to spend time and attention to operate the tools at peak efficiency, failure to do so will be at the expense of earnings

Market Expertise

Anyone in advertising can attest, knowing the players and strategies to approach the market are important to maximize your effectiveness. Unfortunately the players in each medium, web, audio and mobile are different and the strategies even more so. Staying up-to-date can be frustrating and time-intensive.

“Balancing my time between multiple platforms and managing ad revenue across all is challenging. A single medium could be a full-time position.”

David Sigal

Ad Operations

The Solution

DI.FM relies on AdLibertas to automate reporting and optimization for their mobile app inventory.

The Results

By leveraging the AdLibertas platform, DI.FM can rely on a comprehensive, automated reporting and optimization platform addressing the needs of the organization:

Automated Platform Management

DI.FM can now rely on AdLibertas to provide sophisticated algorithmic optimization of MoPub to constantly maximizing consistency and yield from the mobile ad providers on the platform. What would be a daunting affair – or worse an ignored one—now is completely automated.

Automated testing & deployment of new demand

Anyone who’s been on the receiving end of a mobile advertiser’s email inquiry knows choosing the correct partner can be an overwhelming affair; integration even more so. DI.FM can now rely on AdLibertas to guide and automate the introduction– and management– of new, effective demand partners to take full advantage of changing demand in the mobile advertising market.

AdLibertas has made a big difference in improving our mobile ad revenue and substantially decreases the time needed to manage and optimize ad performance.

David Sigal

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