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Your AdLibertas Dashboard – Now With BI Analytics & Custom Dashboards

Your AdLibertas Dashboard – Now With BI Analytics & Custom Dashboards

Jul 30, 2018 | New Product

Internally at AdLibertas we make tools, then when they become valuable we create versions for our customers. We are immensely proud (and dependent) on our internal Business Intelligence Analytics tools. For us they’ve created so much value in analysis, collaboration and insights we produced a production-version for you!

What’s new?

Reporting & Analysis – BI for your data

  1. Analysis – Start with asking a question – drill into data finding insights & answering questions. See a demo.
  2. Collaborate & ShareSave & revisiting common questions make sharing reports a breeze. Saving a question.

Custom Dashboards

  1. Custom Dashboards make any customization a snap. Watch a demo on how to create your own here.
  2. Pulse reports are great for creating simple pushed reporting directly to your email. Watch how.

For an entire overview of the dashboard features, please see the playlist below:

Metabase Migration

Some customers are familiar with Metabase. We’ve listened to our early users and are excited to introduce a leaner & meaner version integrated into our new dashboard:

  • It’s faster –Optimized to return reports much faster.
  • It’s easier – Integration with our existing dashboard for easier naming conventions
  • It’s more complete – More data for your analysis.

What exactly changed?

  • Speed is the biggest change – we’ve indexed your reporting tables and have condensed the data to return your reports faster & more efficiently.
  • We’ve re-named fields to provide more clarity on the combination of our attributed numbers.
  • We’ve stripped potentially duplicated information — veterans know how confusing reporting can become with duplicated counts between your ad server and your demand sources.
  • We’ve included more data, cross-referenced from other sources to help you create better, more complete reports.

Migration Guide: For users who have created custom Metabase dashboards or pulses, we highly recommend you upgrade to use the new reporting table & new data schema. We’ve created a mapping & description table of the altered fields to help you along.

Field NameOld Metabase NameDescription
AdLibertas ManagedAdlib OwnedAd unit / line item managed by AdLibertas optimization
Ad Unit NameUnified Ad UnitUnified name of ad unit (using MoPub?s naming convention)
Ad Unit TypeFormat DisplayAd Unit format type (MoPub defined)
App NameUnified AppnameUnified App name (Uses MoPub?s naming convention)
App PlatformApp Type DisplayThe OS of the app (as set in MoPub)
ClicksClicksClicks as measured by network
CountryCountryCountry name
Country ISO 22-letter Country code (used for country maps)
DayDayDate (GMT)
Demand SourceDemand Source Network, generally the 3rd party buying the impression(s)
Demand Source Ad Unit IDad unitNetworks Ad Unit identifier
Demand Source Ad Unit NameAd Unit RawNetwork name of Ad Unit
ImpressionsImpressionsNetwork measurement of impressions
MoPub Ad Unit IDMoPub Ad unit Identifier
MoPub App IDMoPub App Identifier
MoPub ClicksMoPub ClicksMoPub Measured Clicks
MoPub impressionsMopub ImpressionsMoPub Measurement of impressions served
MoPub Line Item IDThe MoPub ID number of the Line Item
MoPub Line Item NameLine ItemThe MoPub Line Item name
MoPub Line Item TypeLine Item TypeMoPub-defined type of line item
MoPub requestsMoPub requestsRequests as measured by MoPub
MoPub Segment IDThe MoPub Segment ID
MoPub Segment NameThe name of the MoPub Segment ID
RequestsRequestsNetwork-recorded requests
RevenueRevenueRevenue as reported by network
Common Metrics (calculated Fields)
CPMCPM calculated from network reporting
CTRCTR calculated from network reporting
Fill RateFill rate calcuated from network reporting
MoPub CPMCPM calculated using MoPub counts
MoPub CTRCTR calculated from MoPub reporting
MoPub Fill RateFill rate calculated from MoPub reporting
Serving DiscrepancyImpression discrepancy calculated using network vs. MoPub counts