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AdLibertas Platform – Dynamic Audience Reports Release

Photo by Oscar Nord on Unsplash

AdLibertas is proud to announce today the product release of some early awaited updates and enhancements, including the number one requested feature, Dynamic Audience Reports. No more manually editing audiences and reports to have them include the latest performance metrics.

Now, AdLibertas can automatically update audiences and reports after your daily data pull is finalized. As you can imagine, this required some re-architecture of our existing audience data scheduling and processing. At one point during the migration, we were processing a migration for over two-thousand distinct audiences consisting of 400 million individual audience members.

How it works:

We’ve introduced 3 new scheduling types:

  • Run-once: Static audience or report. Start and end dates do not change. Perfect for quick analysis or validation that your audience is setup correctly.
  • Rolling: The start and end date both shift forward as new data becomes available. Great for a fast and simple view look-back into your recent KPI performance.
  • Keep Updated: The start date is static and the end date is shifted forward as new data becomes available. Use for long-term tracking such as A/B tests or general trend views.

Do note, for audience relative user day reports, the scheduling type does automatically update the user install date range, but not the days in lifecycle, meaning you will get at most N days since a user installed (N being the days in lifecycle). You can read more about User Lifecycle and Relative Reports here.

Dynamic Audience Reports opens the door for all sorts of exciting use-cases such as automatic prediction of LTV or KPI generated after the latest data is posted.

Stay tuned! – Allen